Well Arcade Fire. My new favourite band. There truly hasn’t been anything them before and there won’t be anything quite like them again. The first official single released from their superb third album “The Suburbs” is quite simply, brilliant. It ponders the idea of actually waiting for any communication, and the idea of how important something as simple as receiving a letter could be to a person which is something that we’ve lost in recent time due to the new digital age of technology. For a first single, it’s remarkably evolved and not conscious of breaking the mainstream, something which Arcade Fire has never tried to do but yet, it appeals to a mass audience. The repeated chords on the piano and sparse but powerful drums gradually builds as guitars and synths are added to the piece all of which come together for the rousing finale in which Win cries for the audience to “scream and sing the chorus again.” This rousing first single complete with one of the most innovative videos of all time is a brilliant way for them to re-introduce themselves into the mainstream, somewhere in which I’m sure they’ll stay throughout the rest of their careers.
The live performances of this song are also quite incredible, with Win walking purposefully through the crowd, breaking the fourth wall and connecting himself and his band more powerfully to their ever-growing fan-base.
Link to their groundbreaking new video. If you haven’t done it already, WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING YOU NEED TO WATCH IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you do need Google Chrome though)