Thursday, 9 December 2010

25. MGMT- Flash Delirium

After unsuccessfully committing career suicide, things are looking surprisingly up for MGMT. The new album “Congratulations” a psychedelic mind fuck of an album was marketed as having no singles and certainly no “kids” or “times to pretend” and they almost managed to stick to it but eventually squeezed out a few singles. The first, Flash Delirium, like the rest of the album is a bizarre concept, splicing together so many different genres and paces it makes less sense then Ozzy Osbourne. Yet, somehow amongst this, it works wonderfully well and still retains an element of global appeal. Though it isolated a lot of people through the fact that many saw it as a band in joke, it holds all the comparisons with a lead single. It’s superbly epic, especially in the final section, where the bands voices merge together into a brilliant harmony whilst Andrew Vanwyngarden sings an entirely different part. Not many could have made this work but if it wasn’t for MGMT’s undeniable talent that surely would have sunk their musical ship and the readily predicted “career suicide” would have been more than accurate. Surprisingly and thankfully, they have survived, and their careers look brighter and more interesting because of it.


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