Plan B has made the transformation of the year. From potty mouthed little hell raiser to smartly clad soul man, his change is both remarkable and impressive. His concept album “The Defamation Of Strickland Banks” about the struggles of a innocent man put in prison and his attempts to survive on the inside was one of the year’s best, his falsetto croon wooing all that it listened so open mouthed in the disbelief that yes, this is the same Plan B who rapped so candidly about having sex with 14 year old girls. Prayin is the songs centrepiece, where he sings about himself in the grip of prison, proving himself as one of the harder prison men, where he inadvertedly kills a fellow convict only to be ‘rescued’ by another fellow in-mate who agrees to take the blame. Plan B still uses his words so well, describing his saviour as an ‘angel of a man,’ singing so emotively, knowing that what he’s done is so utterly wrong that he is looking for a miracle. It’s so Hollywood it hurts and there were hardly any raised eyebrows when it was revealed that he was making a film based on the album. He raises the roof like he’s never done before destroying party floors with drunken teenagers screaming and slurring the words across the country. Whether they remembered it or not when they were singing it the night before is another matter, but what we do know for sure is that there is certainly no turning back for one of the most exciting new talents to emerge from the depths of obscurity. Plan B, I salute you sir.
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