As I basically said earlier, I really like Chapel Club. I am indeed very excited for their album that was released a couple of days ago. All The Eastern Girls, is a sky scraping epic that looks set to propel them to the top of many people’s bands to watch in the upcoming months, Lewis Bowman once again displays beautiful lyrical sentiments “ All the eastern girls/Are like stars as the night sharpens.” The song starts off hinting at the astronomical ambitions that this band clearly hope to achieve with crashing drums and siren like guitars before completely changing the mood to a star struck love song which sounds almost like a confessional. The tempo of the song continuously shifts and changes like a rollercoaster ride and finally explodes into life for the final minute or so when the band transform into a towering beast of an ensemble and creating a wonderfully powerful, atmospheric noise that feels like its destined to be echoed out of arenas across the country. It’s all of this but still beautifully heartfelt, something that is exceedingly hard to do and Chapel Club has managed this with such ease that it’s astounding that they are still to release an LP. Editors and Interpol have stepped down as the dark Kings of rock and Chapel Club will most certainly be clambering onto the throne for all to hear.
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