Counterpoint is the song that launched Delphic’s career at nearly break neck speed forwards and put them in and amongst the big indie dance slappers. Counterpoint is a near 7 minute long dance trip filled monumental synths that sounds like they’ve been plucked from the very top branch on the Indie Dance tree. This combined with a mountain shouting chorus “Tell me nothing’s wrong today.” It’s dance music with intelligence, like LCD Soundsystem’s slightly dorky, more serious younger brother, perfectly crafted to fill radio airwaves and dance-floors alike. Counterpoint gradually keeps you interested with its vocal distantly sounding like their coming from the room next whilst the synths sound like almost spacey, like stardust falling (I know slightly lame...)before exploding into the final couple of minutes of euphoric, out and out brilliance that almost lifts you off the floor with its sheer intensity. A truly great dance song.
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