This song, was all that was evident of hurts existence until mid way through last year. A bleak, low quality video of the band standing still singing this song garnered enough attention that they created a career out it. This song alone launched their career into mainstream pop and that’s why it’s so important. It tells the tale of a suicidal man, getting ready to end his life when he is stopped by a woman who falls instantly in love with him. It’s pretty soppy romantic stuff but I can’t help but think it’s a brilliantly told story, both completely bleak but gloriously triumphant at the same time, showing you how the power of love, so to speak in the least pathetic of terms can change things for someone so massively. ‘Don’t let go/Never give up its such a wonderful life’ is not only one of the years catchiest chorus’s but one of the most heartbreaking, it comes from the depth of the heart, knowing that if this line doesn’t work then the man will surely kill himself. It rolls a 2 hour Hollywood film into a 4 minute song, creating the same emotion and intensity in a much shorter time period. Not only are Hurts brilliant song writers, they are brilliant story tellers, and songs that tell stories are always that much harder to create. Not only have they done this, but they’ve made it so amazingly catchy that they thoroughly deserve the attention they have received across the globe. Love them or hate them, this song is so good it hurts.
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